' Like All of That '
by Charlie Giardino


I love you like a summer day
I love you like the last gasp
of light as twilight descends
like a drink of cold water
when your thirst calls out
for relief . .

like drops of cool rain
on parched earth ~ like dinner
with everyone you love
on this earth, like a sky full
of God's light and color

like sunshine on the water
like the setting sun in the West
or the rising sun in morning mist
the cool night air in Autumn's realm
like blue mountains rising out of
white clouds in heaven's glare

I love you like the end of time
or the beginning of days
like a mother loves her first-born
like a daughter needs her daddy
or a little boy looks up at his mom

I love you like an aging man
coming to grips with his mortality
I love you like that

' like all of that ' by Charlie Giardino
Copyright © Charlie Giardino
All Rights Reserved.


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