' Sense of Life '
by Thaddeus Hutyra

What is a sense of life
sense of life ...
sense of life ...

Never ending echo
of the human minds
like a River of Babilon

Sense of life
… of life, life, life …

What is a sense of life
a subject
deeply deduced
by philosophers
of all times
A subject
chewed from time to time
by every single individual

What is a sense of life
… sense of life
… of life, life, life

Like an endless DJ event
high in the sky
under the oceans
sort of magnetism
we all are entrapped by

Sense of life … of life, life
life, life, life …
Oh, sense of life …
What a dilemma !!

Is it longing
to freedom
it's Star of Liberty
a sense of life?

Is a shimmering light
on the verges
of human mind's horizon
like a bright starlight
it's light of enlightenment
the real sense of life ?

Or a career, wealth
family, friends, acceptance ?

Or rather living
in a harmony with nature
the true sense of life ?


sense of life, sense of life …
just living or art of living …

Wow, what is a sense of life
can anyone say it
in one word ?

Sense of life, sense of life
since the beginning
of human civilization
till the end
if it ever comes

What was a sense of life
to Andy Warhal ?
His art !!
What was a sense of life
to Edgar Allan Poe ?
His poetry !!
What was a sense of life
of people behind the Iron Curtain ?
Striving for liberty !!
What is our sense of life ?
Your ? Mine ?

Is it love
amaranthine love ?
Lips full of passion
hearts on fire
two souls being one home ?

Oh, what is a sense of life
like a staggering signpost
to endless directions

Sense of life …
The echo …
… of life, life, life …
Oh, play DJs
the music of life
Dance people
to the tunes
of the music of life
It's the music and the dance
of the sense of life

Sense of life
… of life, life, life …

' Sense of Life ' by Thaddeus Hutyra
Thaddeus Hutyra. © 2014. All Rights Reserved.

e-mail: tadekhutyra@hotmail.com
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