' Wrath of God '
by Thaddeus Hutyra


Thunder alike
lightnings upon lightnings
in the darkness of the night
no shimmering stars
no twilight, not any shadows
not even Phantom of the Opera
Tremble people
those of you
who are dishonorable
await Wrath of God

Oh, Wrath of God, Wrath of God !!

Tsar Putin, you, the psycho
you think you can mess
in any place you want
in pure disregard
of the local people
and the world
You even think
you can invade
any country you want
Crimea right now
against the will
of the Ukrainian nation
No, tsar Putin, stop it
for Wrath of God is great

Oh, Wrath of God, Wrath of God !!

Assad, Khamenei, Kim Jong-un
you, the ruthless dictators
your time of misrule
is running fast away
No mercy shall be shown to you
as you had shown no mercy
Islamic terrorists
Al Qaeda especially
your cause is wrong, very wrong
Run away to no place safe
and know it you shall never be able
to hide away
from Wrath of God

Oh, Wrath of God, Wrath of God !!


' Wrath of God ' by Thaddeus Hutyra
Thaddeus Hutyra. © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

e-mail: tadekhutyra@hotmail.com
 More here: http://www.funworldstar.com/GezichtvanGod/index.html

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