' Your Life Your Sunshine '
by Thaddeus Hutyra


Hey guys, life is life, not always so easy
Just take the rough with the smooth
and you shall see your lives are easier
with no scary things and the peeping Toms

Hey guys, you see hardworking people
doing their best to stay on the ground
just take your hats off, they deserve it
You shall be treated alike when needed

Hey guys, don't take your eyes off the ball
any time a startling beauty passes you
What you do also can take your breaths away
and make your lives a long lasting joy

Forget vales of tears, wear velvet gloves
and you shall certainly discover
nothing is a virgin territory for you
not a Scotch Mist, a lost opportunity any more

Any time vultures are circling above you
they shall be unable to harm you
and whatever they say, whatever do
shall be their voices in the wilderness

Those who aren't your friends
may better wake up and smell the coffee
it's simply a wake-up call to them
reminding them tables can get turned

Forget those you walk on eggshells with
Why walk a tightrope endlessly
and feel like a shag on a rock
like a spurting fish out of water ?

Hey guys, forget all the problems
others are doing to you
Just live the way you wish
catch the sunshine and turn it to your own
cause your life is your sunshine


' Your Life your Sunshine ' by Thaddeus Hutyra
Thaddeus Hutyra. © 2014. All Rights Reserved.

e-mail: tadekhutyra@hotmail.com
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