On the shore of the Pacific

Oh, Pacific, Pacific
As immense as the sky
Oh, Pacific, Pacific
Will you ever leave me in peace ?

As so many times before
I sat on the shore of the Pacific
the one my tormentor
I felt myself
like Napoleon
jailed at Saint Helena
after his defeat
at the Battle of Waterloo
I felt myself like a prisoner
as he was
a prisoner in a paradise
Yes, I had
my own battle of Waterloo
deep inside me
which I couldn't loose
because if I lost that battle
I would be doomed
falling down, down into abyss
There were battlegrounds
ravages, profound defeats
and small victories
all of them not enough
to come out unscathed
The battle was raging on
while I still sat
on the shore of de Pacific
unaware of the passing hours
looking at but not really seeing
the mingling shadows of the tides
which were changing colours
The tides going up and down
turning round turbulently
splashy, whirling, shimmering
like the stars mirrored by them
haunting the demons of the night
bringing in the Persians
the three hundred Spartans
Americans and the Russians
North Koreans
The French under command
of Napoleon himself
and the British ones
commanded by
Duke of Wellington
What a battleground !
Deep in my body
my mind and my soul !
What dimensions
perhaps reaching
number a million
a cosmic one !
The sky and the ocean
were one at times, it seemed
The battle of my own Waterloo
went on till the late hours of night
Midnight was gone, the Moon too
and early morning hours
were coming on
with the rising sun
Only then I stood up
and went home
My face mirrored a triumph
The battle
my own battle of Waterloo
was won
unlike the one of Napoleon's !

Oh, Pacific, Pacific
As immense as the sky
Oh, Pacific, Pacific
Will you ever leave me in peace ?

" On the shore of the Pacific "
Copyright © Thaddeus Hutyra , 2013
All Rights Reserved

More here: http://www.funworldstar.com/GezichtvanGod/index.html
e-mail: tadekhutyra@hotmail.com

  Copyright © Thaddeus T. Hutyra

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