by Thaddeus Hutyra

Believe it or not, my dear reader
my psyche, the immortal soul of mine
is dancing in the rain, having fun
splashing itself in crystal waters
under the watchful eye of the Sun
emerging from time to time
from behind of the grey clouds
what is resulting in a magic way
with all the mesmerizing tints
coming from celestial rainbows
What wonders of hues, so many of them !!

Believe it or not, my dear reader
my psyche is my brilliant source
of never ending insatiate appetite
for more to see, or at least more to know
whether conscious or unconscious
all the things of my mind and my soul
Psyche, unhindered by my limited body
yet in my Earthly life, though desired
my beauty hidden deep inside me
my muse singing me at my sleep
the cause of most wonderful dreams

Believe it or not, my dear reader
my psyche is my amaranthine Higgs boson
guiding my life wisely towards the very best
of achievements proving my humanity
She is a ghostly particle of my life
as much as the Universe on its own
I am traveling with delight through
Although so little, invisible yet powerful
stronger than all titans and demons together
guarding me and my life faithfully
my best friend in fact I can trust

Believe it or not, my dear reader
my psyche attracted all the schools
from Plato, Aristotle and Socrates
to Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung
from Carl Gustav Carus to Henri Ellenberger
Eduard von Hartmann to Lancelot Law Whyte
My psyche, the breath of life, my breath of life
accompanied by everlasting rivals to this day
Cupid, the desire and Amor, the love
If you don't believe look just at the tones of romans
over Cupid, Amor and their Psyche

Believe it or not, my dear reader
my psyche was brought onto the pedestals
across the various centuries
and even turbulent millennials
Cupid and Psyche, a Roman statue
Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss 
a sculpture of 1793 by Antonio Canova
Psyché, a play, a 1671 tragedy-ballet by Molière
Psyche, a semi-opera with music by Matthew Locke
and even brilliant Psyché, a 1678 opera 
with music by talented Jean-Baptiste Lully

Believe it or not, my dear reader
my psyche is a peace of my mind
as much as all the desires of this world
My psyche unites everything I am
my mind, my heart, my soul, anything else
My psyche is a wonderful ticket on a train
to every possible destination on planet Earth
My psyche is an amazing window to the world
and a marvelous starship to the Universe
allowing me to shoot for the furthest stars
and rock the Universe as I rock the nights

Believe it or not, my dear reader, finally
Although my psyche is a Higgs Bosson
although my psyche came from the stars
although my psyche is married to divinity
she is my best friend coming to a rescue
at any time I am in need, or when I get drowned
She's splashing me in the starry rays
giving me pulsating life for as long as I wish
She's my scintillating savior of love
my greatest love ever on Earth
although I am just yet another her lover
in addition to jealous Amor and Cupid

My psyche as one's psyche, so divine !!
Her silky tones and bold statements are a dance
a kind of sequential tilt, full of abstract
like sparking fireworks they adorn
upon the surfaces of verse
My psyche as one's psyche, so enigmatic !!
It has its own rich identity
its own theme and volume
which evolve into independent forms
that combine the style for added impact
the way the words draw and writes
upon the ether defines its life and energy
as it creates its revolving patterns, shapes and symbols.
My psyche as one's psyche, how I love her !!

' MY PSYCHE ' by Thaddeus Hutyra
Copyright © Thaddeus Hutyra
All Rights Reseerved

e-mail: tadekhutyra@hotmail.com
 More here: http://www.funworldstar.com/GezichtvanGod/index.html

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