' Break the walls, break any curtain '
by Thaddeus Hutyra 

Break the walls, break any curtain
don't stop till you're on the top of the mountain
having first crossed the Rubicon of tyranny
which denied you your human rights
the natural essence of your very life 
and as much a dignity of you as an individual
Once on the top of the mountain of liberty
with the banner of freedom in your hands
waving nicely in the morning's breeze
and to the dance of the anticipating winds
you're free at last, breathing deeply air of freedom

Break the walls, break any curtain
whatever walls they are, however unbreakable
and whatever curtain it is, whether iron curtain
or glass curtain, or any other one treason alike
just go on ahead, like a hurricane 
with lightnings assisted by Wrath of God
Be assured you shall win, your freedom at your hands
cos this is what's devised for you
and not a tyranny, not any wrong ideology
can take away what's yours
Leave thus all the tyrannic labyrinths 
far behind, never look back

Break the walls, break any curtain
don't hesitate even a moment
Remove the shackles from your wrists
remove the chains holding you imprisoned
no more cry, no more devastation to you
and yes, the lights of liberty being yours
and the promise of adventures to the stars 
You yourself are an amaranthine starship
capable to travel through your inner world
as much as through the real earthly world
and the vast Universe of your dreams

Break the walls, break any curtain
no tyranny can ever stop you
cos your spirits are greater than anything
more powerful than all forces of the devil
You shall win over any tyranny
which kept you hitting walls with your head
in dark labyrinths, shackled at your wrists
and chained to those unbreakable walls
They said one can never break a wall with his head
but you have done it and you shall do it
any time if need be cos freedom is invincible

Break the walls, break any curtain
you're the winner and not the tyranny
You're the star splashing its rays of light
you're the one freed finally of your chains
not stepping back but going further even than your dreams
You're the human being who regained dignity
you're an individual with your own set of rules
not needing rules of someone else
You're the creator of your own life 
and you shall never again succumb 
to whatever tyranny, no more shackles and chains !!

Break the walls, break any curtain
Beat any schism, any religious or ideological twist
Your privacy and your dignity
is on the top of it all, and must remain this way
You're finally a human being in all the shine
freed of the thorny shackles and chains
others had placed on you viciously
They're just the monstrous serpents 
doomed to crawl under your legs
and never again able to bite you
You're free now and the star of your freedom
is shining as brilliantly as any other star on the sky

' Break the walls, break any curtain ' by Thaddeus Hutyra 
Copyright © Thaddeus Hutyra
All Rights Reserved

e-mail: tadekhutyra@hotmail.com
 More here: http://www.funworldstar.com/GezichtvanGod/index.html

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