' Autumn's Symphony '
by Thaddeus Hutyra 

You, God's golden Autumn
the amaranthine symphony
of the Earth and skies embracing you
play us your celestial music
with all your divine shine
all the colors of the world
all the spectacular sounds of you
all the birds on your bosom
all the breezes of the winds
all tiny morning's dew drops
all Sun's rays being played on harp
on cello, violin, trumpet ...

Welcome, welcome, oh Autumn 
You're our symphony, oh Autumn
our garden of Eden, oh Autumn
our heartbeat, our dreams, our desires
our life, our soul, our immortality
our angel of love larger than life
a symphonic angel, oh Autumn
Our dazzling guardian 
passing your guardianship one day
to Winter, Spring and Summer 
and never ending symphony of the seasons
How do we love you, oh Autumn 
how do we cherish you, oh Autumn
You're the mirror of all our wishes, oh Autumn
you're the mirror of our very lives, oh Autumn

' Autumn's Symphony ' by Thaddeus Hutyra
Copyright © Thaddeus Hutyra
All Rights Reserved

e-mail: tadekhutyra@hotmail.com
 More here: http://www.funworldstar.com/GezichtvanGod/index.html

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