'Celestial Canvas'
By Ryan Christiano


I am your celestial canvas
Paint me with your moonlight
Brush me with your lips
Scorch me with your sun
Stir me with your starry eyes
Streaking hues of fire
Across my barren skies
Mold me with your mouth
Pour your passion over me
Like sheets of thundering rain
Let me soak in your essence
Drowning in desire
Swirl through my soul
Mist across a watery mirror
Plunging your depths
Dying a thousand deaths
Tempt me with your twilight
As night falls through me
Tease me with your touch
Holding me in heaven
Haunting me in hell
Beauty still I see
Desiring to be free
Trapped upon canvas
Never meant to be


'Celestial Canvas' By Ryan Christiano
Copyright © Ryan Christiano
All Rights Reserved.

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